Benefits of oatmeal in 5 questions?

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  • Is oats helps to lose weight?
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Yes, because:
  1. Where it a few calories and makes you feel full more than other foods, because one cup of oatmeal contains 130 calories, making oats and Diet friends.
  2. Oats helps you get rid of saturated fat (without affecting the beneficial fats for the body), where studies have shown that the fiber found in oats contain a property control in saturated fat, and beneficial to both.
  • Is oats useful for pregnant women?
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Yes, where it prefers foods that a pregnant woman to eat for breakfast and because it
  1. Essential vitamins and minerals needed by the body such as vitamin B and E, where he prefers to pregnant women than others, And also metals such as iron, phosphorus and magnesium.
  2. Oat rich in dietary fiber, which helps pregnant women to get rid of constipation associated with pregnancy.
  3. Eating oatmeal with milk during lactation return to mother's milk its natural properties and even though milk enough, it is in favor of a nursing mother eat oatmeal with milk or soup oats daily for breakfast or lunch or dinner in order to keep their milk nutritionally fatty strengthens the structure of the child and increases its ability to resist childhood diseases.

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Oat gluten-free as this material lead to killer sensitivity to some people (especially babies) which makes eating oats and safe substitute for ordinary bread.

  • Oats useful for diabetics?
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Yes, it helps to regulate the level of sugar in the blood and reduces the likelihood of the presence of diabetes in the body, because:
  1. contains a high proportion of fiber and complex carbohydrates, which operate slow down the process of converting oats to simple sugars.
  2. contains a high concentration of salts of magnesium, which make the body makes use of glucose and raise the rate of absorption of insulin.

  • Oats protects the body from heart disease?
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Yes because it contains antioxidants, which are useful for heart disease
U.S., where studies have shown that oats contain an antioxidant called "Avitheramaid" which helps to reduce the percentage of saturated fat in the blood (bad cholesterol), and which therefore reduces the risk of heart disease.

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